Coffee Journal — Recipes
Time & Temperature = 'Flavorful' Coffee
Posted by Justin Smay on
When you're brewing 'Flavorful' Coffee, two of the biggest improvements you can make are in controlling Time & Temperature. We've talked about this in previous Journal Entries, but its worth looking over again. Brewing GREAT coffee at home - coffee that tastes like it does at the café - is difficult PRIMARILY because of the temperature that brewers like Mr Coffee & Keurig achieve. (Coffee should be brewed around 200 Degrees Fahrenheit; Home Brewers typically max out around 185F.) It is possible to work around these brewing limitations at home by simply using more coffee or grinding SLIGHTLY finer. This will add...
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- Tags: Brewing Tips, Recipes
Beyond Irish Coffee
Posted by Darrel Burns on
(Original posted on Our North Eastern Winter has been an especially brutal one so far. Wet, sub-zero winds drive through our wool pea coats and scarves, and no number of layers seems to help. When late January is so unforgiving, coffee might not quite do the trick. It’s safe to say that Aussie and The Fox – fruit of Lancaster’s recent crop of Buy Fresh eateries – has found the cure. Home to a full-fledged espresso bar, carefully trained baristas, and award winning bartender Frank Fontaine, they’ve stepped well beyond the common Irish Coffee. Properly blending specialty coffee and...
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- Tags: Recipes, Where to Buy.
Cold Brewing Your Coffee
Posted by Justin Smay on
Welcome to warmer weather! We know you’re all looking for refreshing new ways to enjoy your Gerhart Flavorful Coffee this Spring. Here’s our original guide for your Springtime Brewing Pleasure. First, FIRST, RATIOS: When brewing coffee traditionally, with hot water, it’s best to use between 1.75-2.25 of coffee (BY WEIGHT, not volume) for every 32 oz of water. Adjust the amount of coffee, and the grind, for your brewing method and equipment. When you cold-brew your coffee, the cool water is going to get less flavor out of each particle, so you’ll want to use a bit more coffee. You...
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- Tags: Brewing Tips, Recipes